
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.

Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.

You can create a new issue using the button on the right.

Listed issues, most recent first, limited to the area of Cycle Ipswich:

  • Cycle improvements for Fisk's Lane and Whitton Lane

    Created by Shaun McDonald // 1 thread

    There are 3 main problems with this cycle route which would be easy to rectify:
    * This cycle track is only signed from the retail park side, with no signage from the residential end of this link.
    * The surface is pretty poor along here, especially if you have some shopping in panniers.
    * There is also a problem with a gate part of the way along, which could pose a problem for people with a trailer or cargo bikes.


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  • Waterfront development

    Created by Kevin Ablitt // 2 threads

    According to the Evening Star a developer has purchased the wine rack.
    The proposal involves calling for a multi storey car park although the developer also acknowledges the very high traffic volumes on the Star Lane gyratory.
    To make it more appealing for people to access the Waterfront from the town centre he proposes an elevated pedestrian walkway.

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  • Planning application for land south of railway line for northern fringe

    Created by Shaun McDonald // 1 thread

    Council’s Ref No: IP/14/00638/OUTFL
    Site Address: Land To South Of Railway Line Westerfield Road Ipswich

    Proposed Work : An outline planning application for a mixed use development for up to 815 dwellings (C3); a district centre (with up to 7,360 sqm of floorspace in the following use classes: A1 retail (not exceeding 4,540 sqm), financial services (A2), restaurants, pubs and takeaways (A3, A4, A5), business uses (B1a), dwellings and institutional residential uses (C2,C3) and non-residential institutions (including health centre (D1) and leisure uses (D2)); a primary school (D1); vehicular access from Westerfield Road (x2) and Henley Road (cycle, pedestrian, emergency vehicle, temporary bus route only); provision of public amenity space; provision of infrastructure (including highways, parking, cycle, pedestrian routes, utilities and sustainable drainage systems); landscaping and engineering works (including ground remodelling and enabling works). Within the outline described above full details are submitted for 80 of the total dwellings proposed and associated vehicular access from Westerfield Road. Works proposed will affect Tree Preservation Orders and public right of ways within the application site. An Environmental Statement has been submitted with the application under the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) (England and Wales) Regulations 2011.

    The above planning application which is accompanied by an Environmental Statement, has been submitted and I am writing to you with details of how the proposals can be viewed for your consideration and comment.

    The planning application can be viewed online by going to the Council’s home page and choosing search planning applications from Quick Links, proceed to Planning Application Information and enter the reference number in the search box. Alternatively you may contact the Officer dealing with the matter on the above telephone number to discuss the proposals, or if you have difficulty viewing online.

    You will know that Local Planning Authorities are under a duty to deal with applications within statutory time periods and in this case, 16 weeks.  Therefore it is important that your comments are received promptly, so that any revisions may be negotiated, revised plans received and the application determined within the prescribed period.

    I must therefore request that you reply with any observations, or indicating no comment, by 26th August 2014. If I do not hear from you by this date I reserve the right to determine the application without further delay.

    However, if you feel that you will not be able to respond by the date given, please contact Ms Rosalynn Claxton, who may agree an extension of time, dependant upon all material considerations.

    Please email comments back to

    Yours faithfully

    Steve Miller DipEP MRTPI
    Town Planning Operations Manager
    Development and Public Protection

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  • Allow 2 way cycling along Stoke Quay and New Cut West

    Created by Shaun McDonald // 1 thread

    I've heard that there's a number of people who work in IP-City Centre who don't like cycling along the main road (Hawes Street, and Vernon Street) due to the traffic to get into town, or to the station, and would much prefer to take the quieter riverside route which has very little traffic. Dock Street already is two way for cycling, thus this would be a case of expanding the ability to cycle both directions.

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  • Portman and Handford Road junction phasing

    Created by Jon_B // 0 threads

    Approaching from the South, there is cycle only access across Handford Road to continue North along Portman Road (shown in the photo) which allows access, amongst other things, to the new crossing of Norwich Road at Barrack Corner.

    However, the lights allow motor traffic to turn left or right (not straight on) on a green signal which creates significant risk of conflict and left-hooks for cycles going straight on.

    Unless cyclists take a strong position at the junction in the centre of the lane there is a risk of left-hooks from cars turning left.

    This is made worse by the fact that there is a marked cycle lane and ASL which tends to encourage cyclists into a dangerous position at the left hand side of the road.

    It is possible to avoid this by leaving Portman Road and using the Toucan crossing to cross Handford Road, but this isn't mandatory for cycles and the "No Entry except Cycles" signage suggests that using the on-road route is the most obvious option.

    This issue could be partially resolved by an advance "cycle only" filter phase on the traffic lights, but other than that I can't see any more effective solution than a sign which makes it clear how the road layout works (i.e. that cars may turn left or right, but that cycles may be proceeding straight on).

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  • NE Ipswich missing link at Woodbridge Road railway bridge

    Created by Jon_B // 1 thread

    The cycle link from Bramley Hill to Haslemere Drive has opened up a route via Lacey Street, Haslemere Drive and Bramley Hill as a much quieter parallel route to Woodbridge Road for cycles.

    However, to proceed to North East Ipswich from here means cycling (or indeed walking or driving) via Woodbridge Road at the point where it crosses the railway line. There are no other crossings for a considerable distance to the North or South.

    The land fronting Woodbridge Road to the North is currently for sale for residential development.

    If this land is developed I believe that this should include an additional cycle and pedestrian bridge over the railway to Belvedere Road to open up access to the residential areas NE of this (as well as Sidegate Lane Primary School) without having to use Woodbridge Road.

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  • cycle routes around East Anglian coastline

    Richard G // 1 thread

    Hi everyone

    I'm looking on cycling round the east anglian coastline with a group of scouts this summer.

    Has anyone done this & could give hints or suggestions to the routes?

    Sustrans maps show plenty of quiet road type routes, but I'm thinking they are not well signposted.
    the NCR01 route cuts through Norwich rather than round the coast, but I guess may well be better signposted?

    Can anyone help me out with thinking about a route please?
    Richard (Cambridge area)

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  • Illegal blocking of contraflow cycle lane

    Created by Jon_B // 1 thread

    The contra-flow cycle lane leading West on Dogs Head St was (once again) obstructed by illegally parked vehicles this morning.

    I have reported the specific incident, but this seems to be to be a more general problem of lack of enforcement and commercial vehicles believing that it is acceptable for them to use these lanes for short (or not so short) stops.

    In this case there were a large lorry and a van parked one behind each other forcing cyclists to pull out around them into potential oncoming traffic (including buses as can be clearly seen in the photo).

    If these lanes are to form part of the planning scheme then they need to either by physically segregated so as to prevent vehicles parking on them or at the very least there needs to be a zero tolerance approach to enforcement.

    If commercial vehicles do need to use them for emergency purposes (I think they may have been investigating the traffic lights which were out of order) then they should be obliged to put in place some kind of stop / go scheme to avoid conflict between cyclists and oncoming vehicles.

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  • Take cycle track and footpath behind petrol station

    Created by Shaun McDonald // 0 threads

    The London Road Shell garage is a pain to pass as you have to cross the path of vehicles turning in and out, and can be quite dangerous.

    It would be far better to have the petrol station closer to the road, and the cycle path going behind the petrol station. This is the Dutch standard as shown in this example:

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  • Suffolk CC Consultation: Nacton Road and Ransomes Way corridor study

    Created by Shaun McDonald // 2 threads

    From 17 February to Wednesday 5 March 2014, Suffolk County Council is seeking your views on proposals for the Nacton Road and Ransomes Way corridor in Ipswich.
    A number of major developments have recently been completed in this area, with further development expected in the period leading up to 2026.
    Residents and business owners living or working alongside roads that may be affected have been written to individually.
    The county council appointed AECOM to carry out a study to identify and assess potential improvement schemes to meet the projected increase in traffic associated with development in this corridor.
    The primary objective of the study was to maintain traffic capacity on these key routes whilst also providing enhanced facilities for pedestrians and cyclists and taking the needs of public transport services into account.
    An exhibition of proposals will be held at Gainsborough Library in Clapgate Lane (IP3 ORL). Comment cards will be available at the venue to fill out. Alternatively comments can be emailed to
    View the study display board information here (PDF, 2.7Mb)
    There is also an opportunity to request a comment card and hard copy version of the proposals by calling 01473 265923.
    The county council would like to know what you think about the proposals.
    Responses must be received no later than Wednesday 5 March 2014.

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  • Warwick Road Congestion

    Created by Jon_B // 1 thread

    Warwick Road is marked as an "Advisory Cycle Route" on the Suffolk County Council cycle map.

    However, in morning rush hour it is frequently backed up a considerable distance heading south towards the traffic-light controlled 4 way junction with St Helens Street / Spring Road / Grove Lane.

    There is an ASL on these lights, but in practice the carriageway is too narrow to allow cycles to pass the stopped traffic on the left hand side - particularly as the route is used by buses which occupy the space right up to the kerb.

    Overtaking on the right is not a safe option where there is queue of stopped traffic as this is a two-way road with the added complication of traffic pulling out from Lancaster Road.

    Given that the motorised traffic flow seems to be mainly south bound it would seem appropriate to make this a one-way street with a proper cycle lane including changing the phasing of the lights to allow cycles an advance phase to make the turn into Spring Road / St Helens Street.

    One-way flow up another of the cross streets (probably Palmerston Road ) in the Northbound direction would complete the "loop" for cars and also ease traffic flow on that road which is currently difficult for cars or bikes to negotiate in a northbound direction in rush hour.

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  • School zone

    Created by Kevin Ablitt // 1 thread

    Having grown up in this area I know it well. Bolton Lane and Christchurch Street could benefit from 20 mph, Cobbold Street and Withipoll Street would be more pedestrian and cyclist friendly if they had filtered permeability. Cobbold Street is extremely busy at school times as parents drop off or collect, make it closed half way to motors and this would cut out through traffic . Likely to be very contentious.

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  • Travel Ipswich Barrack Corner changes

    Created by Shaun McDonald // 3 threads

    Barrack Corner
    Description: New toucan crossing. No entry at Barrack Lane
    Planned Start:Mid April 2014 Planned Finish Works due to last 6 weeks
    Expected Disruption:

    Scheme Information:
    One of the projects main objectives is to provide safe and convenient crossing facilities where the town’s main pedestrian and cycle routes cross busy main roads. This new scheme will link cycle facilities to the new Handford Road/ Portman Road junction.
    The main objective for Barrack Corner is to extend the Portman Road pedestrian and cycle route northwards across Norwich Road by installing a new toucan crossing at the Norwich Road / Barrack Lane junction. This will link the housing areas north of Norwich Road with Ipswich Village and the east side of the town centre. To provide the crossing at the bottom of Barrack Lane it will be necessary to prohibit all vehicles except emergency vehicles from turning in or out of Barrack Lane at its junction with Norwich Road. This means drivers will use alternative routes, therefore access to the Barrack Lane Medical Centre will be signed from the Civic Drive /Berners Street roundabout and from the Norwich Road / Orford Street junction. Cycle access to / from Portman Road would be from a footway build out, which would be protected from parked cars by double yellow lines.
    For further information, or to express comments, please contact us on

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  • Missing link, West End Rd to Waterfront

    Created by Kevin Ablitt // 1 thread

    As you can see in the photo there is a shared use path on river side of West End Rd just east of Bobby Robson bridge. But then where ? How far does it go ? It is certainly no good if you want to cross Princes Street- you cant unless you go up to the Burrel Road end of the bridge. And anyway once you get over Princes Street along Commercial Road and Grafton Way it is a narrow footpath which is not shared use.
    It would be good to connect Bobby Robson Bridge and the Waterfront.
    Directly and not by switching over to the other path and then over two toucans. Perhaps even a wide cycle crossing of the 4 lanes of Stoke St ? That would be brilliant.

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  • Dangerous cycle route at Heath Road

    Created by Caroline Page // 1 thread

    Eastbound cyclists wishing to avoid the double roundabout at this point are routed onto the pavement, across the exit for the Shell garage (often to the surprise of exiting drivers), and then (still across pavement) onto a piece of decommissioned road used as access and double-sided parking for a parade of shops. This road has a separate car entrance from the roundabout.
    Its a lethal combination -I have personally once been hit by a car turning fast from the roundabout on the road entrance as I entered it from the bike route. The driver was very angry because it was my fault that she didn't look out for me. You then have to cycle between two sets of parked cars/vans: there are frequent hazards: suddenly opened doors, people reversing/leaving the parking place without looking behind.
    At the end, the cyclist is signed again onto pavement heavily used by schoolchildren/old people at the eastbound Heath Road Roundabout bus stop, before being routed back onto the road along the pull-off for the bus itself.
    My personal view is that this scheme has been created and signed by a maniac

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  • NCN1: Narrow cycle lanes and pinch points on Stoke Park Drive

    Created by Shaun McDonald // 1 thread

    The cycle lane on NCN1 on Stoke Park Drive are rather narrow, thus you cannot cycle within the cycle lane. Having the cycle lane there means drivers often don't give as much space when overtaking. There are also many traffic island pinch point which make it extremely dangerous, as drivers overtake and cut in just before the island.

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  • Stone Lodge Lane unsuitable for 2 way traffic/ filtered peremability

    Created by Kevin Ablitt // 0 threads

    Very narrow and winding. This section of Stone Lodge Lane should be considered for reduced access, one way, filetered permeability or complete closure to motor vehicles.
    This isnt the first such incident.

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  • Fore Street - traffic calming road humps

    Created by Fraser // 0 threads

    Travelling along Fore Street from the East where it splits with Key Street there are several traffic calming patches and speed bumps that are difficult and dangerous to negotiate on a bike.

    In particular the three sections of cobbles; as the street becomes one way just before Fore Street Pools, just before you cross Star Lane, and just after crossing Star Lane.

    They are so ragged that as a cyclist you have to almost come to a stop, where as other road users can travel over them at ~20mph.

    This makes them extremely dangerous as just after accelerating away from the traffic lights you then need to slow almost to a stop and weave your way through the cobbles while the traffic behind you is expecting to carry on and the street is too narrow for them to safely overtake.

    The section of Fore Street between Star Lane and Eagle Street has better speed humps (still not great, but a dream compared with the above mentioned cobble sections!) with flat section at the sides so that bikes may pass them safely. However the flat sections are occasionally blocked by parked vehicles forcing cyclists over the speed humps.

    The less said about the time it takes to negotiate these three sets of traffic lights the better!

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