Queens St/Princes St loop Consultation
The formal consultation has now been set to run from Tuesday 25th February to Saturday 1st March.
limited to the area of Cycle Ipswich:
2 issues found for 'trafficcalming':
Created by Shaun McDonald // 3 threads
The formal consultation has now been set to run from Tuesday 25th February to Saturday 1st March.
Created by Fraser // 0 threads
Travelling along Fore Street from the East where it splits with Key Street there are several traffic calming patches and speed bumps that are difficult and dangerous to negotiate on a bike.
In particular the three sections of cobbles; as the street becomes one way just before Fore Street Pools, just before you cross Star Lane, and just after crossing Star Lane.
They are so ragged that as a cyclist you have to almost come to a stop, where as other road users can travel over them at ~20mph.
This makes them extremely dangerous as just after accelerating away from the traffic lights you then need to slow almost to a stop and weave your way through the cobbles while the traffic behind you is expecting to carry on and the street is too narrow for them to safely overtake.
The section of Fore Street between Star Lane and Eagle Street has better speed humps (still not great, but a dream compared with the above mentioned cobble sections!) with flat section at the sides so that bikes may pass them safely. However the flat sections are occasionally blocked by parked vehicles forcing cyclists over the speed humps.
The less said about the time it takes to negotiate these three sets of traffic lights the better!
5 threads found for 'trafficcalming':
Get Sutton Cycling
A discussion on issue
Various traffic calming Traffic Management Orders Wallington
Marcus Howarth
Get Sutton Cycling
A discussion on issue
Various traffic calming Traffic Management Orders Wallington
John K
Get Sutton Cycling
A discussion on issue
Various traffic calming Traffic Management Orders Wallington
Marcus Howarth
Cycle Ipswich
A discussion on issue
Queens St/Princes St loop Consultation
Shaun McDonald
A discussion on issue
13/01736/FM Residential development of 25 dwellings
2 library items found for 'trafficcalming':
No planning applications found for 'trafficcalming'.